Schloss Trautenfels Association

Trautenfels Castle with a blue sky in the background is Mount Grimming

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Culture in the heart of Austria

Schloss Trautenfels Association was founded in 1983. For almost a decade, efforts had been devoted primarily to the renovation of Schloss Trautenfels as a cultural icon in the heart of Austria, thus saving the castle, a landmark structure of the central Styrian Enns Valley region, from imminent dereliction.

Since the completion of the renovation works, the association's activities have focused on planning and implementing cultural and educational programmes, promoting the Landschaftsmuseum in the Museum Department Schloss Trautenfels of the Universalmuseum Joanneum as a lively centre of culture and communication, supporting research into cultural and natural history and providing support for cultural activities.

Core competences of the Schloss Trautenfels Association

  • Publication of the quarterly journal “Da schau her. Die Kulturzeitschrift aus Österreichs Mitte“ (Look at that! A cultural magazine from the heart of Austria)

  • Lectures, workshops, one-day or multi-day seminars and excursions on various topics related to sciences and humanities

  • Permanent working groups: e.g. “Arbeitskreis Baukultur“ (working group for building culture) and “Arbeitskreis Handarbeiten” (working group for handicrafts)

  • Organisation of concerts, theatre and film evenings or readings

  • Publication of the series “Schriftenreihe” and “Kleinen Schriften des Landschaftsmuseums in Schloss Trautenfels” (Short writings of the Landschaftsmuseum at Schloss Trautenfels)

  • Implementation of “LEADER+”-funded projects from 2003 to 2007, such as a district-wide survey of traditional customs, the regular meetings “Vom verschwundenen Alltag” (On the disappearance of everyday life), the virtual cultural calendar and the further education module “Kultur.Steirisches Ennstal” (Culture.Styrian Enns Valley)

The Association's Board

Chairperson: Mag. Rainer Kienreich
Deputy Chairperson: Dr. Johann Gasteiner
Treasurer: Mag. Fred Schlögl
Deputy Treasurer: Mag. Johannes Baldinger
Secretary: Martina Fahringer
Deputy Secretary: Mag.a Astrid Perner
Representatives of Schloss Trautenfels: Mag.a Katharina Krenn
Honorary Chairperson: HR DI Karl Glawischnig

Advisory Board Members:
Dr. Volker Hänsel, Ing. Anton Streicher, Monika Streicher, Ida Suchanek

Erich Stenitzer, Mag.a Barbara Schiefer

Become a member

Members of Schloss Trautenfels Association and supporters of the Association's efforts enjoy a number of benefits:

  • Free entry to the permanent exhibition Landschaftsmuseum and to all special exhibitions at Schloss Trautenfels
  • Personal invitation to all exhibition openings at Schloss Trautenfels
  • Free copy of the journal “Da schau her. Kultur aus Österreichs Mitte”
  • Member information free of charge by post or e-mail
  • Reduced admission to our cultural and educational events
  • Discounts for purchases of association publications

Members of Schloss Trautenfels Association receive the “Joanneum Card” at a special price of € 19.00 (instead of € 38.00). Card holders can visit all Museum Departments of the Universalmuseum Joanneum (Kunsthaus Graz; Styrian Armoury; Schloss Eggenberg; Hunting Museum and Agricultural Museum, etc.) free of charge.

For more information, please contact us via +43 3682/222 33 or