11.05. - 31.10.
280 coins of ancient Greece from the collections of the Coin Cabinets of the Universalmuseum Joanneum and the City of Winterthur as well as the Institute of Antiquities of the University of Graz.
05.05. - 30.10.
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the legal regulation of the Austrian system of decorations, the exhibition offers an overview of the decorations of the Republic of Austria and the Austrian Federal provinces.
29.04. - 31.10.
The exhibition shows a selection of these splendid gold coins
18.05. - 31.10.
In the exhibition Female Slaves of Virtue, the extraordinary and very rare medallions of the three most important female orders from old Austria are on show.
29.05. - 11.04.
Featured in the exhibition are a representative selection of medals and some splendid orders conferred on our founder.
09.05. - 04.10.
Paintings, graphic works, sculptures and coins trace the survival of the classical/imperial tradition in the outlook of Renaissance and Baroque princes.