Total Refusal (Leonhard Müllner & Susanna Flock)

Let's Play! Stories and Performances in Videogames | NEU!


Image Credits




8pm - 9:30pm


Art in Public Space

Meeting point

Jugendzentrum Kindberg, Roßdorf Platz 7, 8650 Kindberg

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About the

Opening of the project in Kindberg by Total Refusal in cooperation with the local youth, a night of short films aiming to claim digital landscapes in videogames.

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Total Refusal (Leonhard Müllner & Susanna Flock)

Let's Play! Stories and Performances in Videogames

The artists Susanna Flock and Leonhard Müllner (Total Refusal) aided the local youth in claiming digital landscapes in videogames to tell their own stories, which they presented in cooperation with the JUZ Kindberg.

In a muli-day workshop the teenagers and kids developed tools with which they can transform the social spaces in video games creatively. Also, they learned the basics of video editing and how to critically view and engage with media such as video games.

The teenagers were encouraged to find their own artistic expression and to learn about the tools available to them by working on their projects. Thus, they practiced story telling, editing, post production, camera work, voice over and soundtrack editing.  

Finally, they presented their video projects in locations of significance to them in the public space of Kindberg. This created a lively dialogue between the digital sphere and the everyday, physical world.

Time Table:

8 pm: Meeting at the Jugendzentrum Kindberg
Introduction by the mayor Christian Sander, Florian Arlt and Elisabeth Fiedler

Afterwards: Stroll through the city and viewing of the short films

Image Credits

Video: Ocean Eyes

Video: Big Andrew Small

Video: Wenn ich erwachsen wäre

In Cooperation with: