Sol LeWitt's Wall. Performed

Press release


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Press event

27.09.2023 11am - 1pm

Place of the press event

Kunsthaus Graz, Space01

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Sol LeWitt’s monumental work Wall – the first solo exhibition at Kunsthaus Graz in 2004 – is reactivated after almost 20 years and recontextualised in dialogue with current artistic positions.

The reactivation opens up possibilities for a new reading and a recontextualization of LeWitt’s Wall while also reflecting a change in institutional language in terms of artistic and political contexts: questions of co-creation, boundary demarcations, a broader understanding of context. Following Sol LeWitt’s principle of the idea as the most important artistic invention and its realisation as a collective endeavour, Wall becomes a stage over nine months for a rethinking of the past together with a younger generation into the present, and a projection of the future in the process of examination.

Press release

Sol LeWitt's Wall. Performed