Hotspot Mur

Concealed Emeralds

09.03. - 09.12.2018

Image Credits


Ursula Stockinger, Stephan Koblmüller (University of Graz) and Wolfgang Paill

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About the

Natural History Museum, Joanneumsviertel, access Kalchberggasse, 8010 Graz

In cooperation with the University of Graz and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Further information

Design: Franz Josef Haas


Press tour: 08.03.2018, 11 am
Opening: 08.03.2018, 7 pm
Duration: 09.03.–07.10.2018


Info exhibition: +43-316/8017-9100
Info press: +43-316/8017-9213 or DDI -9211